Survey Actions

The survey actions available to you are visible in the 3-dot menu and based on your role within the group.

Option Role Description
Start Survey Member / Admin Start a new response to a survey
Start Survey as Member Admin Start a new response for a member, the member will own the response
Call for responses Admin Send survey to members with a magic link to log members in to SurveyStack
Description Member / Admin View description of the survey
Print Blank Survey Member / Admin Download a PDF version of the blank survey
Edit Admin Opens the survey in the builder so it can be edited
View Results Member /Admin View, filter and download survey responses


View Results

There are three ways to view results:

  • List: List of survey responses based on who submitted the response and when. No response data is visible.
  • Table: Survey response data viewable in a table. Only data you have permission to see will be visible, with private data hidden from non-admins.
  • Raw: Survey responses visible as a json.


Download Results

  • Select EXPORT RESULTS from the upper right of the results page.
  • There are numerous download settings available:
    • Format: Results can be downloaded as a csv or json file.
    • Range: You can also choose to download all of the data or just a subset of the data based on filters or just downloading the active page.
    • Matrix Answers: Matrix question types have a complex results structure that doesn't easily map to a spreadsheet. They are essentially a table within a single cell. For this reason, when downloading survey results, you have several options depending on how you need to deal with your data (see special note below).
  • After choosing your download settings, select DOWNLOAD.
  • You can also copy the API link which can be used to integrate SurveyStack data into a data pipeline or acquire the data in a more flexible way.
  • SPECIAL NOTE FOR MATRIX QUESTION TYPES: The export results menu has multiple options relevant to matrices.
    • Selecting add a row for each matrix answer from Matrix answers will simplify the data into the flattest possible spreadsheet (only available for the CSV format. This will expand each row containing a matrix into several rows, instead of 1 submission = 1 row, and you will get a table that's easy to work with.
    • Selecting Keep matrix answers in a single cell from Matrix answers will encode the matrices as json text inside single cells, while the rest of the data is translated to the CSV in a straightforward way.
    • If you want maximum flexibility, you can get a JSON file in the exact format SurveyStack uses for storage, which you can process in any programming language/data environment you intend to use as needed.


Filter Results

  1. Open the Filter settings be selecting the filter icon to the right of the search bar.
  2. Choose which Field (column header) you want to filter by.
  3. Decide which filter to use (see options below).
  4. Enter the Value that you are searching for.
  5. Select Apply
